Small size men’s shoes available

Our store has small size men’s leather shoes(oxford shoes)for business such as 22cm,22.5cm,23cm,23.5cm,and 24cm.

Small size men’s shoes available

Our store「靴のパラダイス(」has small size men’s leather shoes(oxford shoes)for business such as 22cm(US4),22.5cm(US4.5),23cm(US5),23.5cm(US5.5), and 24cm(US6).
「Small size」category
Please use our store for everyday business situations, job hunting, formal occasions such as weddings and parties, memorial services such as funerals, and ceremonial occasions.
It is also recommended for cross-dressing women and FTM/FTX (X-gender), trans man(transgender man /female to male/LGBTQ+). (Reference: About the size when women wear men’s men’s shoes and men’s leather shoes)

■Detail:Small size men’s shoes available

(Japanese 日本語ページ:小さいサイズ(スモールサイズ)のメンズシューズ(革靴、ビジネスシューズ、紳士靴)ございます


